Szechuan Court

Our Table. Loved the romantic ambience.
Let's talk about the food... We ordered their limited edition abalone set menu, consisting of 8 courses and cost about S$138++ per person. Fortunately, we have some vouchers to defray a majority of the cost.
"A symbol of wealth, luck and good fortune, the prized mollusc is one of the most expensive ingredients used in Chinese cooking and is considered to have both medicinal and aphrodisiac properties."
The chef that prepares this set menu is Sebastian Goh.
Our first dish (the appetizer) - Part 1
Our first dish - Part 2 (See the sliced abalones!!)

First dish - Part 1 & 2 (in total) - I believe this dish is "tempura of mini-abalone with Thai honey, mango and spices"

This is the abalone in Part 1 of the appetizer.. mini abalones...

The soup.. Drank quite a substantial bit before I remembered to take pictures...

The next dish. I have forgotten what is the dish's name... Seems like steamed abalone with garlic paste and soy sauce

Braised five head South African abalone with broccoli

Abalone salad with tomato

Abalone with osmanthus flowers. I think

The dessert..
I never had so many abalone dishes in one meal... Felt so blissful yet sinful.
Rating - 10/10 (Perfect)
Note: The system of "heads" is used to determine the weigh of an abalone. It is determine based on the number of abalones that make up 1 jin.
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