Thursday, August 8, 2013

Milestone 1 : Getting Married (Ah Yat Abalone)

I would like to share my simple little dinner that we have had for our wedding. 

As we both love good food, it was an easy decision on the venue, i.e. the restaurant that we patronised every year that serves the best Chinese expensive delicacies. It is called Ah Yat Restaurant and its located at Hotel Grand Pacific (formerly Allson Hotel). 

A typical Chinese wedding dinner usually have 8 to 9 dishes (excluding desserts):
  • 8 dishes = Prosperity 
  • 9 dishes = Eternity 

 We are quite happy of the selection of these yummy dishes:
  1. Roasted suckling pig
  2. Sharkfin soup (yes, i love sharkfin)
  3. Stir fried scallops
  4. Whole abalone
  5. Seasonal vegetables
  6. Soon Hock Fish
  7. Baked lobsters
  8. Braised E Fu Noodles
  9. Hot Yam Paste and Sago
  10. Bird nest egg tarts

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